Our Hope
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Our Hope

What is true, lasting hope? Where does it come from?

From a well-managed, comfortable life? Controlled and predictable circumstances? Education? Promised political or social change? Cleaner neighborhoods? Eating local? Pulling the perfect espresso shot?

Hope that lasts cannot hinge on circumstances, achievements or pedigree. For whether visible on the surface or buried deep down, each of us is ‘broken’— meaning we are in need of healing, wholeness, and acceptance. These are precisely what God mercifully offers us in his Son. Simultaneously, we are more flawed and hurting than we dare accept, yet we are more loved and embraced by God than we dare hope.

Our hope is rooted in this astonishing gospel, this good news.

At the same time, the gospel is not something that 'I’ve got and someone else needs'; rather, it is something that everyone needs. All the time. And that means our hope is not in pursuing more religious 'how-tos', self-help or 'church as usual.' Hope cannot be found in yet more performance-based approval, but in the experience of free grace.

So we regularly ask: What is the value of all that God has promised to us in Jesus Christ, for our lives, right now? Where do everyday life and this gospel meet?

Lasting hope comes from discovering and continually rediscovering the riches of the gospel. From pressing it through our hearts and minds and out into the lived everyday-ness of home and work, joys and heartbreaks.

Hope is not rooted in what you’d like to see happen. Hope is rooted is what you’re certain will happen.

>> Learn about the Mission of All Souls.

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Surprised by Hope
Recommended Book
Heaven and Earth